[Commons-l] Commons image description pages shared on Facebook

Bence Damokos bdamokos at gmail.com
Mon May 24 13:01:55 UTC 2010


It seems that Facebook is not handling properly links from our image
description pages.
Normally, if one would share
picture of the day) on Facebook, they would expect their post to
have  a picture and hopefully some snippet from the image description.
Unfortunately, one gets a dry link without any pictures or relevant text.

Sharing Commons URLs not ending in a file extension (e.g. the main page)
results in a nice post with a picture taken from the given page.

As far as I can see Google Buzz exhibits the same problem, but given that we
have a special relationship with Facebook -- if others can replicate the
problem -- we should contact them about this: I'd like to share the picture
of the day every now and then and have my friends marvel on the picture
without having to click through the link.

Best regards,
Bence Damokos
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