[Commons-l] Commons-l Digest, Vol 36, Issue 5

Sylvain Dufour gdgourou at gmail.com
Thu May 15 08:38:26 UTC 2008

you're right about some acceptation of copyrighted works...
To answer to Cary Bass, there're some examples in New York streets
categories... I don't think that the architect of Apple store or some
recents buildings are already dead... so it's a form of acceptation
(reagarding fench law)

you're right also about the delay ... 70 years after the 1st january
following the dead of the author...
I Made a confusion with the american law before 1998 ...

So I'm agree with you, the deletion seems to be a little too reprehensive
regarding some accepation and the law.
I also note that there were very few  person involve in this deletion

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