[Commons-l] Creative Commons is introducting CC-Ø

Ayelie ayelie.at.large at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 18:18:46 UTC 2007

On Nov 17, 2007 7:20 AM, Brianna Laugher <brianna.laugher at gmail.com> wrote:

> However the problem still remains of how to pronounce this. ;) "CC
> urh". "CC slashed-oh."  "CC empty set." "CC Close-mid front rounded
> vowel". Problematic indeed.

"CC-none", short as "CC-by" and even shorter than "CC-by-sa" :)

Also note http://public.resource.org/ which apparently prompted this.
> They have collected a bunch of US government stuff, and at Flickr have
> uploaded over 6,000 images from the Smithsonian that they believe are
> PD.  http://public.resource.org/memo.2007.05.19.html (incl. links to
> tarball) Any comments on that? Anything new for us?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/publicresourceorg/sets/72157600215594473/  <--
this set seems to be primarily staff photos of uniforms, I doubt we have
those on Commons yet. The descriptions are very detailed... maybe we could
have someone with a bot upload them all? 84 photos in all, it would be much
faster if FlickrLickr or some other bot uploaded them instead of one of us
having to fill in all the templates, etc..

  (Editor at Large)
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