[Commons-l] Yet another GFDL violation in a big newspaper

Rama Rama ramaneko at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 08:36:26 UTC 2007

> Aw, where's the option for legal action?
> Or at least a stiffly worded letter and an invitation to inform
> themselves for next time?
> cheers
> Brianna
As you can imagine, I have neither the sort of time or money that I would
have to devote to a legal action.

As a matter of fact, I think that this is becoming a real problem : some
people obviously decided to treat us like some sort of free-of-charge,
don't-say-thanks, step-on-our-licences source of images, precisely because
they know that, in practice, nobody will  seriously complain.
(Which is quite ironic on the part of people who are easily offended by
"piracy", when it's about a 15-year copying mp3s of lousy albums he'd never
buy anyway.)

Of course I'd like to see one patent example of such violation taken in
court and serve as an example for others, but this means that someone will
have to actually take the burden on his shoulders (and personally, that's
not my career plan).
  -- Rama
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