Once upon a time, the Multimedia team set out on a great quest [0] to add a survey to the Media Viewer they were building. This quest ended with the team deciding that the great Lord SurveyMonkey would provide the users the survey they needed with the least amount of effort, and there was much rejoicing.
But a dark threat loomed over the land. With one product using SurveyMonkey, other products seemed poised to use it, too [1]. The compromise built upon the premise that Media Viewer needed a survey in less time than it would take to find and set up a free [2] solution was beginning to bleed over into other projects where no such time crunch was present.
Our heroes now reach out to their friends in other realms [3]. Is there hope for freedom in the land of getting user feedback? Will MediaWiki or the grander Wikimedia ecosystem soon have a survey tool that all projects can use with minimal hassle?
I'd appreciate looking at existing solutions and planned non-existing ones, and I offer some of my ample [4] free time to help with setting something up.
[0] https://wikimedia.mingle.thoughtworks.com/projects/multimedia/cards/261 [1] https://wikimedia.mingle.thoughtworks.com/projects/multimedia/cards/522 [2] https://gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html [3] http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Analytics [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm