Paulo, I will contact you. 

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 14:32, Paulo Toro <> wrote:
hola! I'm interested in doing something like this to teach film and
audiovisual communication over the Internet. Perhaps the platform you
are doing to serve. I am a native Spanish speaker and I have to use
translators for these things, but something I can help. Greetings!

"Todo el problema del mundo es que los idiotas y los fanáticos están
siempre segurísimos de sí mismos, en tanto qe los sabios están llenos
de dudas" - Bertrand Russell

2011/6/18 Fajro <>:
> Can anyone explain me how this is not Off-Topic or simply spam??
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Joe Corneli <> wrote:
>> Maybe you'd want to create a fork of Lernanta (the platform used by
>> P2PU)?  They have a fairly active
>> volunteer developer base.
> Lernanta! Bona nomo.
> --
> Fajro
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