On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Adam Wight <spam@ludd.net> wrote:
y, I simply wanted to state that clicking
directly on the cursor location you want to edit is a big

I like it!
so an idea for the next step would be able to preview the link created and also interactively select them from a list.
I would want to be able to build up a list of links on the page. ones on my watchlist and recently edited links to select from.
I really think this would be a cool feature.  I like the new editor!

I was playing with etherpad and gutting it so that I could use a perl backend, 
https://github.com/h4ck3rm1k3/introspector-wiki-server/tree/master/etherpad I made some progress in reverse engineering it, of course there is alot more work to do. In theory we could have users being able to see each others edits (if they wanted to)



James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://flossk.org