we are writing to get a response to a problem we faced.
We have installed Parsoid on Ubuntu 14. Here is our wiki:http://cwft.ru/wiki/index.php
We decided to test the service acvording to this instruction. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parsoid/Troubleshooting
Curl (http://cwft.ru/wiki/api.php) is right
Settings.js in /etc/mediawiki/parsoid/ have this information:
prefix: 'localhost',
domain: 'http://cwft.ru',
uri: 'http://cwft.ru/wiki/api.php',
// set `proxy` to `null` to override and force no proxying.
//proxy: {
//uri: 'http://my.proxy:1234/',
//headers: { 'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'https' } // headers are optional
When we enter the following command: curl -L , Parsoid gives this curl: (52) Empty reply from server
We will appreciate, if you give us an example of the correct answer from curl or tell us the algorithm of configurating the service/entering the command parameters for our wiki so that we could get a correct answer.

Best regards, Olga