Up to now I've got the best results with HTTrack. It Includes the sidebar on most of the pages. Just a pity that it doesn't show pictures that have  their size adapted (e.g. [File:Francis Franck.jpeg|left|200x640px| ]).

It think we can close the case here.
  Thanks again for your reactions.  

On Mon, 13 Apr 2020 at 22:35, Arlo Breault <abreault@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> On Apr 13, 2020, at 3:55 PM, Francis Franck <francis.franck@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your reaction .

>> It sounds like you're trying to produce a static copy of your site for backup or offline use?
> Indeed, my intention is to create a standalone copy of my wiki for archive purposes. Because of its relation with the cities' history I would like to get the wiki stored in the Archive of the city of Alkmaar but the problem is that they are not equipped for a Mediawiki-oriented structure. The require a fully html oriented version.
>> If so, maybe see the project here https://github.com/openzim/mwoffliner or this previous discussion https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitext-l/2020-February/000994.html 
> I have tested mwoffliner  but that doesn't incorporate sidebars and seem to have problems with categories  and namespaces. I had the impression that Parsoid was much better equipped to make a thrustworthy copy.

mwoffliner builds on the Parsoid output.

Parsoid only handles the page content, not the chrome, so it won't give you the sidebar, etc.

Please see above linked discussion for some ideas on how to make html dumps of your wiki.
