(Please forget the precedinng message)

I’m aware of this syntax. There is issues with this.

One is that we can’t easyli apply a CSS on it. On tables, it’s possible to add «|class=wikitable» is possible, not in dls. I encountered cases where people did not like the display style and replaced by bulleted list and bold where semantically a dl would have been better.

One other problem is that it’s hard to differentiate a multiline definition from multiple définitions

An example of a template that could be a usecase, in math :

> Or do you ask for some 'technical' nudging to 'enforce' a format?
Yes, technical solution would help of course, a more visible UI trick to build glossaries would help. But I think a more fundamental thinking about current status of glossaries or other stuffs with a legend/definition would be a good thing to work with this largely unknown wikitext and HTML feature. «:» is known … to indent, and «;» is knows … to bolden. But it’s not understood as a way to build a list of answer to a post … 

2017-08-22 15:09 GMT+02:00 Thomas Douillard <thomas.douillard@gmail.com>:
I’m aware of this syntax. There is issues with this.

One is that we can’t easyli apply a CSS on it. On tables, it’s possible to add «|class=wikitable» is possible, not in dls. I encountered cases where people did not like the display style and replaced by bulleted list and bold where semantically a dl would have been better.

An example o

2017-08-22 13:47 GMT+02:00 Andre Klapper <aklapper@wikimedia.org>:
On Tue, 2017-08-22 at 12:22 +0200, Thomas Douillard wrote:
> Definition lists are underused.
> People usually prefers to format themselves to fit their preferences
> than to use the "; :„ syntax, or custom templates (theorem, examples,
> …)
> It’s not without good reasons : it’s kird of unaesy to do multilne
> definitions, they can’t be easily styled, the imbrication beetween
> dls and ul and on is tricky once you want to do something elaborated.
> Yet using dls could allow us to better annotate semantically our
> articles. Any idea on how to make their usage easier and to style
> them ? We can style tables, lists are not as easy to style.

https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Glossaries ?
Or do you ask for some 'technical' nudging to 'enforce' a format?

Andre Klapper | Wikimedia Bugwrangler

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