I may not be understanding your question very well, but I this might help.

List items that come from different sources will be treated as separate lists in the editor (at least initially) even if they are rendered as a contiguous list in the final view. We may add some slick features to the editor to blend the native and generated portions of the document together better, but that will be something we work on adding down the road.

- Trevor

On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Adam Wight <spam@ludd.net> wrote:
I found this task in [[mw:Parsoid/Todo]]:
* Move list handler from tokenizer to sync23 phase token
transformer to support list items from templates.

Does this mean, using a template like {{Foreach|delim=*}} can generate some
list items, and the calling page has control over
whether these items are in their own list, or continue
another list?  In this case, the attached tests describe the
feature correctly?

Adam Wight

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