Wikitech-l December 2019
  • 39 participants
  • 56 discussions

by Jeremy Baron
1 year, 3 months

realtime notifications disabled in Phabricator
by Daniel Zahn
3 years, 9 months

New DB_REPLICA constant; DB_SLAVE deprecated
by Aaron Schulz
3 years, 11 months

Upcoming Search Platform Office Hours—Jan 8th, 2020
by Trey Jones
4 years, 4 months

Equivalence for using Template:Cite_Web with <ref></ref> templates surrounding Wikicode
by Egbe Eugene
4 years, 4 months

Fwd: Wikimedia Café online meeting for January 2020. Note the schedule change.
by Pine W
4 years, 5 months

New year / Nova godina
by Zoran Dori
4 years, 5 months

CoC: New Amendment proposal: Explicitly banning legal threats
by Amir Sarabadani
4 years, 5 months

Fwd: [AI] The WebConf (WWW 2020) Call for Papers (Demo Track)
by Pine W
4 years, 5 months
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