On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:36 AM, Petr Bena <benapetr@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes now it's up here as well, maybe DNS? I am from EU...

Ok, thanks for confirming.

Maybe yea, even though  I tried to keep that minimal
by reducing TTL to 5 minutes over an hour before the switch and setting it back to 1H while
after it. That said, not all DNS servers listen to that .. or browser cache.

btw, this wasn't just the Bugzilla version, we also switched away from Tampa, to a new server _and_ new database backend.

So you are being served from zirconium now in eqiad, using db1001 instead of db 9 ad a Tampa downtime doesnt affect it anymore.

also it's using the puppet module now at


as opposed to the old misc/bugzilla.pp file