Konstantinos, it is capable of big loads, but simply needs more servers for full Wikipedia support. Also, for direct on-page use, e.g. infoboxes, I am writing an extension -- Kartographer, that should be available shortly.

You can see the demo here.  Other demos: 2, 3.  Feel free to play with it.

Once that is done, we will launch it on WikiVoyage first, and later, hopefully, on all Wikipedias.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 2:39 PM, geraki <geraki@gmail.com> wrote:
​Is it capable for serving a big load, by embedding it in infoboxes? Can we start trying it in (relatively) small wikipedias?

Οι παραπάνω απόψεις είναι προσωπικές και δεν εκφράζουν παρά μόνο εμένα. Το μήνυμα θεωρείται εμπιστευτικό μόνο εάν το έχω ζητήσει ρητά, διαφορετικά μπορείτε να το χρησιμοποιήσετε σε οποιαδήποτε δημόσια συζήτηση.

2016-01-07 22:37 GMT+02:00 Yuri Astrakhan <yastrakhan@wikimedia.org>:

Four months ago new maps were launched at https://maps.wikimedia.org. Russian, Italian, and other GeoHack language Wikipedias have switched to it, as well as WikiVoyage community.  I have been working closely with the creators of the current mapping projects like WikiMiniAtlas and WIWOSM (Daniel Schwen, Kolossos/Tim Alder, Magnus, Simon Legner, Sylvain, and others) on trying to merge them together into one platform.

I believe our maps are now stable and capable enough to serve all users of GeoHack, and can really use community's help to migrate it.  Migration is very simple - modify Template:GeoTemplate and MediaWiki:GeoHack.js as was done here:
Eventually I am hoping that we won't need to use this complicated approach, once Kartographer extension is finished.


Please email if you have any questions. Thanks!

P.S. You might like my other project - interactive graphs, available on all wiki. Feedback is welcome.

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