I think we should!

It wouldn't hurt to do a little summary on list of our experiences and maybe those on list who are not at Wikimania will have some input tonight.  Especially technical points that we might bring up with technical people face-to-face tomorrow. I guess I will tell what is newly learning to me although this may be old news to many.

My experience is that there has been huge interest in Wikisource from GLAM. The Wikisource talks were full. Some were standing room only. The BHL http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ is very interested in working with us. NARA has a dashboard feature directing people into proofreading on Wikisource.  Archivists seem excited about the tools our platform offers.  However these partners would like to have the validated text returned to the djvu file for there own digital collection.  We do not have a good a way of doing this.  We do not have a way of doing this with preserving word search at all.

Djvu as a file format is not maintained by anyone.  Which seems like significant to me, but some do not seem to think this is very profound since it is finished and works. RTF as a file format is unmaintained is widely used with out problems.  But this does mean there is no obvious group to approach and seek advise from on the above issue.

I have seeking out opinions on this. On the web I found Januz from   http://poliqarp.wbl.klf.uw.edu.pl
He suggested we try   http://jwilk.net/software/djvusmooth. He also said that they are working on a proof of prototype tool for a similar purpose.  At the conference SJ found me Josh from the FSF who is going to look to see if he can find anyone who is working on dvju related stuff or something similar. There was also encouragement from WMF staff to find an interested student who to be considered for a summer of code project. 

Also we had really great dinner with Wikisource contributors from many language communities. I found out about the default header which has been a available for some YEARS now. It is amazing Tpt of fr.WS showed me the next day how absolutely robust this feature is. Typing only "/" will fill in the previous and next chapter, for one example which is a more recent feature he added. But there crazy stuff it can do with a lot less typing or pasting than I had any idea. Tpt is also working on having index page generated in some magical way that will impress everyone. Amir of he.WS, and WMF developer, primarily develops localization but will be picking up maintenance of ProofreadPage as he his back burner project.  He asked us al to make sure we have all bugs submitted.  I know a few that I have been living with form using an iPad that I have never submitted.  So maybe we should run through all the annoyances we are accustomed to living with and make sure there are bugs on Bugzilla. Also he thought there should be more language communities represented on this list.  If any of us have personal contacts with members of Wikisource communities that are not seen to post here, we might try to reach out and invite them to subscribe. 

I evangelized to my best ability about en.WS Proofread of the month to nearly everyone I sat at a table with during the breaks. And I evangelized to the best of my ability among those of us already editing in Wikisource communities to look forward to the translation tools improving in the future.  Tikiwiki actually has a translation tool written in php that is far more robust than we would need. Now I am running late to be at the party tonight.  But these are my notes so far on the things that seem useful to share with those on the list.. Now I am running late to the party. But let's do the unconferance if we can.


On Jul 14, 2012, at 4:36 PM, Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com> wrote:

Should we do an unconference tomorrow about all the stuffed we discussed about?
We need to write things down and update each other.

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