Here's some documentation:

There's an handy 148 PDF Primer :-)


On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Thomas Tanon, 06/10/2014 11:00:
Thanks a lot Federico for this email and sorry for the late reply.

I'll try to get some time to see how METS works on the next few days.

If this standard is compatible with ProofreadPage assumptions it would be very nice to implement in the extension an API that would allow to do import/export in this format.

Great, it will be an interesting discovery whatever the outcome. Please let me know if I can help in some way, e.g. with an example file in METS format from BEIC (they're not publicly exposed).
How to "speak METS" is already a problem for me/us because BEIC would agree to publish (somewhere on Wikimedia projects) their METS for hundreds books, but we don't know how to store them. :)


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