Given all the good comments made here and Ed message of a couple of days ago, here's my position (I asked other french-sp, dunno what they think yet) on the

amha (french translation for imho, nicely provided by our french linguist)

1)There's a need for a portal page stating the existence of all the wikis, a few infos about each, and a direct link to each. This page should be at

2)A very new comer *should* transit at least once through that page. This is very important. I remember it took me quite a while to find out there were other langages. It might seem obvious to english-native-sp., but the main page on the is showing quite a lot of information, and many foreign words at the same place don't make it easy to find out the little link that could help toward one's langage. Directly sending readers to the might make us loose all those who don't know english or feel inconfortable with it.

3)However, given that most actual users are english-native-sp, given that most users understand english, and *mostly* given that the fewer links to get to the information the better (one click less is a win-win option :-)), I think it essential to track that first passage and to give direct passage to the right encyclopedia as soon as preferences are given (in other words, at the second session)

This mean either/or/and

3a) Cookie. After the first visit, the second-time visiting user is automatically redirected to the encyclopedia chosen the first time (most likely, the english one).

3b) Preferences options : choice of the preferred encyclopedia in the settings. Once a user is known (with login), typing should lead him to the appropriate link (en. in most cases). This may allow to change the settings of a person who has first visited, say polish wiki, but now wants english as default.

4) On all wikis, the link to should be *very* visible, especially since it is possible the direct links to other wikis on main pages will maybe be removed. In this case, there should be no redirection of course :-)

This way, it should not happen very often that a user has to transit more than once by the main wiki.

I will add of course, for those multilingal, that prefs should allow a prime choice, and secondary choices for wikis direct access. The secondary choice should provide a direct link to the second prefered wiki any time whatever wiki she/he is on and whatever page.

My opinion is that this main page is mostly important to unknown users to choose the right directions. It is not important to us, who know the project, and know how to navigate between the various places.

A relogin issue is amha *not* a argument for deciding the move or not. The Wikipedia evolution should not only go forward our *convenience* but the final user *convenience* (us AND others).

However, I can't figure what the problem of keeping links on both address is. This issue is certainly more important.

Oh ! on that login issue !

I have a technical question along those lines. I am always recognised on the and, so I never need to connect myself.
I am NEVER RECOGNISED on the,, and I NEED TO LOGIN for each session (not once a month). Often I start on the, then jump through the link on the main page. I always have to relogin. This is mildly annoying. What are the differences between these cases ? (same on opera and netscape)

That would be my only answer to comments such as "logging in one time is gonna be a terrible inconvenience"

In the past month, given that I have to work with at least one window in these 3 adresses (now 4), often 2 windows in each wiki for copy and pasting here and there, I believe I can evaluate the number of time I have been logging in to about 10 times per days, that would make about 300 TIMES IN THE MONTH. I certainly don't need the mailing list to remind me my password ! I have already asked a couple of time for an idea of why it was so....Thanks for any idea anybody could provide to solve that.

Gareth maybe ??

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