still up yes,
running ? a slow pace is a better word (for the infamous french case of course !)
i have some ideas about but no time to write.

anyway, i receive this source of data, it interrests everyone in every languages.
i do not know where to send the info (as its not a news ....)

It shares maps  about Air Quality forecasts and observations in France Europe (even global world map is available)
(ozone, Particles and Nitrogen dioxid
in french and in english

english  : http://www.prevair.org/en/

french  :http://www.prevair.org/fr/

i am quoting :"The PREV'AIR maps provide a free access information. It is freely usable by anyone on condition that the PREV’AIR brand name and the Internet address www.prevair.org are explicitly mentioned in any published document."

if you already know sorry

jacques divol

Le 19 oct. 05 à 04:45, Nicholas Gerda a écrit :

Hello everyone!
Glad to hear Wikinews is still up and running... I just wanted to let
you guys know that I think Wikinews won't be able to survive unless
the community becomes much less aggressive; less gung-ho, if you know
what I mean ;-)  If we can be more open to new ideas and genres,
perhaps we would see more articles being written by more participants,
which is what we all want.  I know it will be difficult because we
pretty much all have Type A personalities (a.k.a. we're journalists). 
Hopefully we can lose the self-administered hierarchy and foster a
more diverse and toned-down community so Wikinews can flourish into
its true potential.

I think Wikipedia had to go through something like this too.

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