Thank you for ur mail. But I can't attend

Akbarali Charankav

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:54 PM, CherianTinu Abraham <> wrote:
         Some good news....! Sunil Abraham of "The Centre for Internet and Society" ( ) has offered to help us to host WikiMeetups in Bangalore.
         I will keep u people posted on further developments...
This will help us host "bigger" meetups in future.
Tinu Cherian

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sunil Abraham <>
Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: Join my network on LinkedIn
To: Cherian Tinu Abraham <>

Sunil Abraham wrote:

Dear Tinu Cherian,

Thanks for your mail. It is indeed inspiring to hear of your contributions to the Wikipedia. You are always welcome to host meeting on Wikipedia and related matters at CIS. We will be happy to provide food, recording equipment etc.

Best wishes,


On July 7, 2009 5:51 AM, Cherian Tinu Abraham wrote:
Hi Sunil,

I am a software engineer from Blore and a highly active Wikpedian.

Recently we had some WikiMeetups

We thought of taking the help of CIS also as you ppl had hosted Jimmy Wales's visit.

Btw I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Tinu Cherian

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