Dear all

Firstly, I hope that everyone is staying well - physically and mentally - during the Covid-19 pandemic. These are worrying and difficult times for all of us, and I hope that everyone has a support network in place (online or otherwise) to help them through it. 

As the people on this list are very aware, although Wikimedia is an online movement it has a strong face to face element, with meetups, editing events, training sessions, conferences, and of course offices including the UK chapter. We have been following the situation carefully over the past few weeks, with many of our upcoming events cancelled or moved online and staff preparing to work from home. Yesterday evening, following the new government advice around reducing contact and non-essential travel, we decided to close the Wikimedia UK office in London as of tomorrow (Wednesday 18th March). This closure will last until at least Monday 13th April (Easter Monday), but we will of course be reviewing the situation on an ongoing basis. 

The whole staff team met today to discuss some of the implications of the office closure - and the wider Covid-19 situation - for us, our partners and our volunteer community. We are already thinking about our programme and partnerships, and considering what events and projects will need to be cancelled but what can be rescheduled, moved online or re-imagined. We are also keen to explore ways in which we can support editors and readers during this period. Some of our ideas at this point include:
We realise that an increased emphasis on social distancing is likely to impact on all of you, personally and professionally and within the context of your Wikimedia activities. If you have any other ideas for how Wikimedia UK may be able to support our community over the next few weeks and months, please do get in touch. I would ask you all to bear in mind that this situation is also affecting staff, some of whom are separated from their families, or have underlying health conditions, or are being impacted financially by what is happening. So please bear with us as we adjust to a new reality in terms of our own lives as well as our work. 

With very best wishes

Lucy Crompton-Reid
Chief Executive
Wikimedia UK
+44 (0) 203 372 0762

Wikimedia UK is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open knowledge movement, and a registered charity. We rely on donations from individuals to support our work to make knowledge open for all. Have you considered supporting Wikimedia?

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The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects). Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.