Obviously be interested in this debate. I think another possibility is to use a UK wiki talk page as a basis for the talk. One problem is agenda as WSC notes its very easy to have 4 parallel threads which just prevent any resolution or understanding of more than one thread.

I'd be up for Jon's beer idea too

Oh and REXX - Foundation trilogy was one of my favourites although Asimov's later extentions to link the story with his robot series was a bit forced. I'm just reading SNOW CRASH by Neal Stephenson. Great book. In his world the Library of Congress has joined with CIA records to be a kind of wiki source where people load up facts and gossip to share with the world. - Its an addictive read - e.g. The main character is called Hiro Protaganist and he delivers Pizzas in a guarenteed 30 mins or you can shoot the delivery boy!

On 27 September 2012 16:22, WereSpielChequers <werespielchequers@gmail.com> wrote:
I've taken part in some of the IRC office hours. The format works OK if everyone is being positive and just wants to question one person.

It isn't so good if either the subject is so complex as to spark debate in various directions or the subject matter is contentious and tempers get frayed.

So in the circumstances I'd suggest either a Wiki RFC or an in person meeting


On 27 September 2012 15:59, Jon Davies <jon.davies@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
People seem to want to meet face to face and exchange real words - can't imagine why? Perhaps the visit to the pub afterwards?

On 27 September 2012 15:47, rexx <rexx@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:
Set up an "UK office hours" on IRC like the Foundation does. By the way, did you ever read Asimov's Foundation? They thought they were writing an encyclopedia as well.



On 27 September 2012 14:11, Jon Davies <jon.davies@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
I have had two email conversations this morning about hot and often perennial issues around editing, ethics etc.  It strikes me that there is an appetite for having some osrt of debates, perhaps streamed, where people came together to debate hot issues,
Any thoughts.

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