On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Edward at Logic Museum <edward@logicmuseum.com> wrote:
I'm still awaiting clarification from the Board about whether they are
taking collective responsibility for the *wording* of the announcement here

And to clarify again, it's not the fact of a ban I am concerned about. It is
the allegations, using my real name, of real-life 'harassment' of Wikipedia
volunteers.  This implies intimidation, threats of physical violence, and so
on.   I regard this as real-life harassment of myself, and legally
objectionable.  No one has so far replied to any of my mails.

Hi Edward,

You may wish to check the definition of "harassment" (http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/s_to_u/stalking_and_harassment/#a02a)  You can see here that the Crown Prosecution Service defines harassment as "causing alarm or distress" as well as the more traditional "putting people in fear of  violence" depending on which law is being applied. As such the use of the term "harassment" in its strictest use does not legally mean an incitement of violence.

Please note the usual: I am not a lawyer, please seek legal advice before taking any actions or inactions based upon this information etc...
