It might (I haven't scrutinised the exact criteria) also qualify for funding from Google as part of their Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project [1]. GSoC is targetted at university students who want to program during their summer holidays and typically provides stipends of ~$5000 to support this.

Even if it doesn't, it still might be advantageous to run it alongside GSoC anyway (but open to students and non-students and privately funded) simply because GSoC generates a rare interest among potential developers to take on large-ish for relatively small sums of money.

Just a thought,
Harry (User:Jarry1250)

On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 9:49 AM, WereSpielChequers <> wrote:
If I'm correct in assuming that the UK chapter has some spare cash at the moment then making AWB and other proven, popular, useful but single OS tools available on more operating systems would be a very useful investment. Community development, quality improvement and uncontentious.


On 15 January 2012 07:09, Doug Weller <> wrote:
Acer makes a decent product at around £300 as I recall which of course
included VAT. Dell makes a decent product starting at £239 excluding

Windows 7 works fine and people are familiar with it. As Harry says,
"We should focus on getting something that WORKS". It doesn't need
expert administration to avoid becoming a toxic waste dump I've got
enough friends and family using it who are no where near experts to
know that. There's very good and free security software available. So
go for dual boot to satisfy those who dislike WIndows or any software
needs. And I'd hide IE. But please let users have the option of a
familiar interface.


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