There's also a great suggestion from Asaf on the etherpad worth considering:

(maybe focus on articles from the Kenyan curriculum (thoses lists you have obtained) that are not yet [well-]covered in enwp and swwp? -- Just a thought.)

ps: Make sure to put up your names under the who section. I'll need this for the campus security to let you in.



On 12/3/11, Limoke Oscar <> wrote:
> Just a FYI,
> Alex , I believe this was meant for the List?
> Building on Oscar's idea, here are links to the Wiki project Kenya and
> Africa pages:
> Maybe you can get some pointers on articles to edit from the things
> you can do and open tasks sections respectively.
> I've just added a resources section to the articles pad so if you have
> links to any resources on editing that you feel will be important to
> look over, please add them.
> So , by show of hands who are confirming availability ton the said
> date? (10th at Strathmore)
> --
> Limoke Oscar,
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