Hi guys,

The next annual Wikimedia conference, Wikimania, is scheduled to take place in Haifa, Israel in August 4-7 2011. See: http://wikimania2011.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page.

As always, there are limited scholarships given out to those who are in financial need. Scholarship applications will begin in Jan 1 - 31, 2011. Please see a mock application form so that you may have a feel of the questions that are typically asked: https://wmschols.wikimedia.ch/ 

I urge you guys to take your time in thinking of the answers that you'll give; since in Wikimania 2010, only 1 out of the 20+applicants from Kenya was granted the scholarship. Also, there were a total of over 2,500 applicants last year, and only 100 of them got the scholarships: so competition is very stiff!


Feel free to contact me:
Abbas Mahmood
Tel: +254722215101
Facebook: abbasjnr@hotmail.com
Skype: abbasjnr
Wikimedia Kenya Member
"Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's our commitment."
Please donate: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate/Now/en