i hope this finds you all well, last week i got a call from Dr Martin Njoroge, [our contact person at Kenyatta University] requesting for the offline wikipedia that he intended to give to his students taking a masters degree most of who are teachers at high schools. I was able to make 50 copies on dvd with both the kiwix application and the offline wikipedia.
On the day i was to give the students an illustration of how to install and use the kiwix application, something came up and i wasn't able to do it then. Sadly, they were going back home that evening. I was planning to come up with a text document illustrating how to install and use the kiwix app but i needed to first know if there's any available.. [preferably a video.. i've tried searching for on on youtube but the closest i got was this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnvm7uxDhMs

dennis munene.