It seems the interest of CIS-A2K and that of other Wikimedians do not coincide.
Surely this is a Wikimedia-India mailing list and not a CIS-A2K mailing list ?.
For eg. who has decided that .. We already know that March month is known as Women’s month.

I am especially upset that CIS people are censoring my postings to the mailing list

Dr. Shymal Bagchi.

On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 18:52, Nitesh Gill <> wrote:
Dear all, 

Women's Month Datathon on Commons has already been started on 21 March (yesterday). There is an online session from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm (after 1 hour). If you are interested to participate please find the meeting page link and meeting link

Sessions info 
Women’s Month Datathon on Commons Online Session
Wednesday 22 Mar · 8 – 9 PM
Google Meet link:


On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 11:37 AM Nitesh Gill <> wrote:
Good morning all,

This is a gentle reminder about the activity we shared with you a few days ago. The Women's Month Datathon on Commons activity will be only restricted to Wikimedia Commons. We request to interested Wikimedians please first go through the rules carefully only when starting editing under this contest cum datathon.

You can get more details of the event on the meta page and what tasks we will fulfil from 21st to 31st March.

There will be an online session on 22 March (Wednesday) from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. We are scheduling it just after the event's starting date (21 March 2023). Suyash Divwedi will be there for the session to present the importance of categorisations, structure data and how it works, and why we are focusing on it and he will demonstrate as well. If you are willing to join please sign up here and you will find the meeting link on the page only.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me or you can also write on the event talk page


On Sun, Mar 12, 2023 at 10:44 PM Nitesh Gill <> wrote:

Hello all,

Hope you are doing well. Glad to meet you again and appreciate your involvement in the Wikimedia movement. We already know that March month is known as Women’s month. A lot of campaigns or events are going on to celebrate the month. For the same purpose, CIS-A2K and Commons Photographers User Group (CPUG) have planned an online activity for March. For the same purpose, CIS-A2K and Commons Photography User Group have designed an online activity for March. 

The activity will focus on Wikimedia Commons and it will begin on 21 March and end on 31 March 2023. During this campaign, the participants will work on structure data, categories and descriptions of the existing images. We will provide you with the list of the photographs that were uploaded under those campaigns, conducted for Women’s Month.  

You can find the event page link here:

We are inviting you to participate in this event and make it successful. 

The tasks will be easy, however, these tasks are essential to improve or add. There will be at least one online session to demonstrate the tasks of the event. We will come back to you with the date and time. 

If you have any questions please write to us on the event talk page.




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