On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 15:48, Gautam John <gautam@prathambooks.org> wrote:

I said that the current actions were overblown. 

No second thoughts on the issue and actions being taken. But I guess Gautam has a point here. This set of copyvios were detected very early(majorly ~50 students' edits were monitored and reported), others are not yet on editing mode still. 50 / 1000 is not some, but I would say few. But its key we take this seriously before it explodes to a scale we cant handle since Indian editors / newbies are already infamous for copyvios and we dont want to add more such folks.

Apart from copyvios which can be detected since they are from online sources, quite a few students write bookishly (which makes me wonder if they are copying from local texts). I kind of feel(personal opinion) that *deadlines* , *marks* are making quite a few of them to treat this as yet another homework and in turn have the "done and dusted" attitude. Of course there have been some good contributions, but it has been rare for the population.
