
With all respect, let me ask, what are we trying to do here. To change the so called "Indian Students mentality" or trying to spur the growth of Wikipedia in India?

This is getting too personal and creating a wedge between one of the most well known knowledge communities in the world. Please please please, let us put a stop to this.

This conversation/thread has to STOP at any cost. This is not doing any good than getting things personal. I hope better sense prevail.


On 16-Nov-2011 12:15 AM, Srikanth Lakshmanan wrote:

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 23:11, Debanjan Bandyopadhyay <> wrote:
The Indian community however, still expects that students will come to them for help and they shall help.

I never got an answer for the question "Does your college profs come to your home and help you in doing the assignments?". I wont blame any single person, to stereotype this is exactly "Indian students' mentality" and this is a very big problem. It is very difficult to do anything at all even if we have 1000 global admins willing to sign up as ambassadors.


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