Thanks for carrying out the research project. As of now I couldnt comment on anything. Because I couldnt understand the requirement for the research and what is the expected outcome and what is the practical use of the project.

J. Balaji

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 3:30 PM Jayanta Nath <jayantanth@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

CIS-A2K has initiated a short-term pilot research project called Study on Infrastructural Needs of Indian Language Wikisource Projects, to collect baseline data on the challenges and needs of Wikisource projects in India. We would like to invite you to share your valuable feedback on the research design. For more details on this, including the objective and process, you may see:  https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CIS-A2K/Research/Study_on_Infrastructural_Needs_of_Indian_Language_Wikisource_Projects

We request you to kindly give your feedback on the following points which would be very useful to refine the study before we commence our research work:

1. Are the objectives of the research clear?
2. What do you think of the process outlined for this research?
3. Kindly give us your general opinion/suggestions/comments about this study.

For any queries, kindly reply to this thread, or write to sneha@cis-india.org.

Jayanta Nath
Centre for Internet and Society

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