Hi Sumana - please direct all communications concerning legal matters to the Wikimedia India chapter directly as these matters may not be suitable for discussion on a public mailing list.  Thanks, ASB.

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013, Sumana Harihareswara <sumanah@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Daniel Zahn of Wikimedia Foundation's Operations group asked me to
please forward this to the Indian Wikimedia community.  I hope this
improvement helps people find Indian Wikipedias and helps them learn
about the Wikimedia India chapter.  Comments, concerns, and suggestions
are welcome, as Daniel details below.

Sumana Harihareswara

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: indiawikipedia.com
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 15:23:44 -0800
From: Daniel Zahn <dzahn@wikimedia.org>
To: Sumana Harihareswara <sumanah@wikimedia.org>

Hello Wikimedia India,

fyi, ops/legal at WMF acquired the domain:


and redirects it (for now) to:


It was a really old ticket on our side to get that domain name and it
went through legal, then we had it for a while but never redirected it
anywhere, and now we just decided to use the target above because that
seemed to make the most sense.
(after all it is indiawikiPedia.com and not indiawikiMedia.com)

A long term goal i suggested would be to get wikipedia.in as well and
redirect it there.
A little while ago, like end of February, that was still active but
full of advertising, and now it's disappeared.

If you have any comments/questions/ideas you can open a Bugzilla ticket
or even look at the Apache config directly and suggest changes.  Please
mention "RT-1395" for reference.

The relevant changes are:


Best regards,

Daniel Zahn <dzahn@wikimedia.org>
Operations Engineer

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