An user, with an account creator flag  should be able to override the account creations per day limit.  

But as of now., the permission is only granted to users who are active in the request-an-account process and experienced with the process. 

My personal suggestion is that if the policy is enhanced to grant the flag for long time and "trusted users" especially for those who conduct similar WikiAcademies, 
through a election process  (similar to Admin election")  OR
a even simple request for rights (  Make this similar to the process of rollback rights access-  ).  

Or like Philippe was saying, admins should be allowed to grant the flag to trusted users doing outreach for a day or so, whenever needed. 

Tinu Cherian  

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <> wrote:
Alternatively, you could inform an Account Creator that you are going
to have a program between this and that time, and all go request
accounts. Simple.

Srikanth Ramakrishnan.
Wikipedia Coimbatore Meetup on December 10th.

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