Thank you very much.
Forgive me, I sometimes don't take the trouble to do some extra research.
: )
Thank you again.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 5:49 AM, Jessie Wild <> wrote:
I forwarded this to the mobile-l.

On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 1:46 AM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <> wrote:
Heya all,
I was searching the Android Market, when I stumbled upon this app:
All images are credited to NASA (
That last line worries me a bit. Are all photos credited to NASA, irrespective of who uploaded it?
Are all photos of the Day by NASA, thereby giving others no chance for a front page visit?

I think they mixed up the credits on this app and their NASA app: "Image credit on the Picture of the Day webpage. Image updates are subject to the availability of the Wikimedia Commons' Image of the Day RSS feed and associated images."

I went ahead and emailed the address on the developer's website to ask for the correction. Good catch, Srikanth!


Jessie Wild
Global Development, Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

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Srikanth Ramakrishnan.
Wikipedia Coimbatore Meetup on December 10th.