Honestly, I don't see any reason to quiver.

We should thank good'ol Moily for accidentally publicizing wikipedia at his own expense which I'm sure all his political opponents are going to keep using till the end of his days. He's taken wikipedia now to a much larger swathe of the Indian population - more than any number we could have reached out to - at least now a lot more people know there is such a thing called wikipedia!

India hasn't banned or attacked wikileaks yet as I last remembered; rather the powers that be seem to running scared because of it. In the current scenario where scam after scam is tumbling out, I have seen a greater respect for groups like wikileaks among whoever knows about it; and lesser respect for all those who lash out at it.

In all the conundrum with wikileaks in recent months, poor wikipedia had for all practical reasons gone into obscurity owing to prefix-hijack. Now it suddenly looks like it's back in the game - there's no such thing as bad publicity, after all!

So I'd make light of the matter. Why be afraid of those who are afraid of the truth? If anybody raises anything, tell them fair and square that a member of their country's parliament screwed up.

Nikhil Sheth
Pune, India
Teach For India Fellow, 2011-13
Find me on: Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Google | RangDe | Youtube
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| Wikipedia For Schools project

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <rsrikanth05@gmail.com> wrote:
I agree with Srikanth. A simple notive on Meta [as I noticed] isn't enough. We NEED a gigantic banner, [for NOW] across all Wikimedia Projects.
Somebody needs to get in touch with WikiLeaks staff and get the same thing done there.

On 30 March 2011 14:10, Gautam John <gautam@prathambooks.org> wrote:
On 30 March 2011 11:49, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak@gmail.com> wrote:

> Getting sick of this popular "urban legand". Why dont we run a site notice
> banner for "atleast India" alone for 2 months. """ Please Note :- Wikipedia
> and Wikileaks are 2 different things""" and link to a detailed note.

Srikanth, to be fair, I think he does see it as two different things
or so the quote implies. What he might incorrectly allude to is a
linkage between the two but his criticism of Wikipedia is the model of
knowledge creation.

Thank you.



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