Hi Arjun

I have a question, this domain name- http://wikimedia.in/ appears to be an earlier place-holder ('work in progress') for the Indian chapter which forks over to the wiki and a link to the mailing list. If the chapter does indeed own it, can someone forward it to - http://wiki.wikimedia.in/ directly. It would seem like a natural progression since the link to the mailing list along with all the contact details are all on the main page of the wiki.


On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc@googlemail.com> wrote:

Over the last week, we are working on changes to the wiki to support the members only wiki (to be launched soon) and I am glad to report that most of the changes needed are complete. We could not communicate earlier, as the changes were not meant to have impact on community wiki.  The community wiki (http://wiki.wikimedia.in/)  will continue to be available except for any adminstrative changes to support the new features.
One feature that has been introduced is to enable email confirmation of users to prevent Spam edits. If you notice any problem in using community wiki, kindly bring to my notice by an email or message on my usertalk page: user:Arjunaraoc. I will get in touch with Manuel  to resolve it at the earliest. Manuel has been helping us a lot with the enabling of new changes and has provided us with a nice solution.

Regret the inconvenience if any caused due to these changes and thanks for your cooperation, as we make progress in operationalising the chapter.

Arjuna Rao Chavala
President, Wikimedia Chapter

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