On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 22:30, Shekhar Krishnan <shekhar@mit.edu> wrote:
Why can't we work together? Please explain and discuss.


Can we take this discussion out of India list, Some have already protested against the use of India list for Conference related discussions unless its an announcement.  This can still be discussed within Mumbai / Pune mailing lists, if need be the Conference list.

Whoever is replying to the email by Shekhar, please please remove India list from it. Lets not spam people out. 

General notice,
Unless the reply to any mail which is crossposted across lists is relevant to people on any of the crossposted list, Can we please take a extra second in removing them off instead of just doing a reply-to-all blindly. This will make life of so many people better :)

Thanks for your understanding.
