Hi Jadine,

    You might want to talk to Sucheta Ghosal. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sucheta_Ghoshal )


On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Jadine Lannon <jadine@cis-india.org> wrote:
Hello everyone!

Just a reminder that I'm still looking participants for these interviews. If you know of anyone who may be interesting in participating, please feel free to forward my invitation onto them!

Thank you so much,


On 2013-05-22 7:19 AM, Jadine Lannon wrote:

My name is Jadine Lannon, and I am an undergraduate student at the
University of Toronto in Scarborough. Some of you may recognize me as
the intern who was supporting the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS)
in the hiring of the Programme Director for the Access To Knowledge
Programme. I have finished my internship with CIS and I am currently
carrying out fieldwork for my undergraduate dissertation that will
explore the gender gap in the Wikipedia editor community in India.

I am conducting interviews as part of a research study on the barriers
and challenges that Indian women face to their participation in the
editing of Wikipedia. If you are a female editor who currently resides
in India, I would be very interested in interviewing you. Your knowledge
and experience as a female Wikipedian will provide me with considerable
insight into the challenges, obstacles and triumphs that women
experience throughout their participation in the editing of Wikipedia
and their interaction with other editors and the community.

The interview will take around 45 minutes to one hour, and will be very
informal. Depending on your geographical distance from Bangalore, which
is where I am currently based, the interview may take place in person or
over Skype or a similar software. In any instance, I will do my best to
make sure that you are as comfortable as possible during the interview

The data gathered from these interviews will be kept strictly
confidential at all times. In the final report, all references to the
interview responses will be made anonymously or, in cases where direct
quotes are used, with the use of a pseudonym.

More information about this interview and the research project will be
provided to you before the interview in an Informed Consent Form. I will
also provide you with the list of questions/themes that I hope to
discuss with you in the interview. If you would like to receive the
Consent form and/or the list of questions and themes before you decide
to participate in the interview, and/or if you have any questions,
concerns or comments, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me
at jaylanns@gmail.com.

If you are interested in being interviewed for this project, please drop
me an e-mail at the same address as above (jaylanns@gmail.com).

Thank you very, very much for considering to give your time to
contribute to this research.


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