hi Ashwin,

We've not finalized a meetup time yet. We've also not frozen a location for the venue. 

Arun Ram created this page: http://wikimedia.in/wiki/Projects:GLAM_2011/Mumbai_Feb2011. There are similar pages created for Delhi and Bangalore as well. 

We've started listing the institutions in Mumbai here: http://wikimedia.in/wiki/Projects:GLAM_2011/Mumbai_Feb2011/Planning. I know the title says Maharashtra - but it would be great to keep it for institutions in Mumbai till Liam's visit to Mumbai as it would help in planning.

In addition to the several points you passed on from the Pune list, there is also another issue. Indian GLAM institutions have content in various languages. So, even Marathi and English Wikipedians would not cut it. Library in Mumbai has Urdu, Parsi, Kannada, etc. This is not an immediate issue but we might have to involve Wikipedians from other languages soon. 

A question which Liam raised on the Mumbai list and which remains unanswered is - if he's asked for a volunteer from the Wikipedia community while talking to folks from the GLAM institution can he point the finger at someone and say that a person would be ready to help. My take on this has been that active Wikipedia editors need to know what this is about first. I've read the documents that Liam has linked to (through WP:GLAM shortlink) and it has left me confused :). So, first, we need to learn about GLAM as Wikipedians first. 

It would be great to hear from the planners from Bangalore and Delhi about questions and issues they're facing with this as well.

warm regards,

On 1 February 2011 11:24, Ashwin Baindur <ashwin.baindur@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi friends,

Whoever is coordinating Liam Wyatt's schedule in Mumbai is requested
to please arrange the volunteers meetup with him on the evening of
13th if possible. Pune Wikipedians are having an event all day on 12th
at GNUNIFY. That will enable us to attend the meetup in time.

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

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