I would like to stress again that what we need first is to interconnect ourselves.

We, at various Indic Wikipedias, are still working very much on our own home islands!

Images, references, PR personnel, media - Among various Indic Wikipedias, we have a lot that can be shared together.

Beyond the singular difference of native language, our needs, ends and means are mostly same.

[Not to mention that (in.en.wiki*)  is automatically a subset of (in.wiki*)]


let us think aloud how to interconnect ourselves more systematically and collectively.

Though many may have reservations in using social networking as a tool, we at Malayalam Wikipedia have been using Facebook, Blogs, Google Buzz/Plus/ Docs/Maps/Calendar etc. somewhat effectively to improve and accelerate content and quality of ml.wiki*.

(As an example, see this spreadsheet  (Geodesic Coords for ml.wikipedia), It has been just created today as an upcoming collaboration tool for GeoTagging our articles in a massive way. We envisage that the same data can be later shared with other Wikipedias in some automated way. If only we had a larger national network, we could achieve this much faster and wider!!!!!!)

What if we setup some similar acts for Inter-Indic Wiki friendship circles (Where every in.wiki user can join and share their problems, solutions and ideas)?



On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 23:20, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <parakara.ghoda@gmail.com> wrote:
Interestingly this was what you and I spoke about over the phone
today. I think this should be of the highest priority. If the chapter
and foundation are unable to focus on this it becomes the
responsibility of the community aka us, to take forward such an
initiative. We shall talk more on this soon Pradeep. What you have
said could very well accelerate the growth of the movement in India,

On 12/12/11, Pradeep Mohandas <pradeep.mohandas@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> We must encourage having resouce persons who can help us with various
> things and who are networked. We need multiple people who are capable of
> building the community using these resources.
> Specifically, we need more people who can communicate with the media, with
> social media (I know the sterling job that Tinu does in this area, but more
> hands, do not hurt), with setting up internet infrastructure, having more
> coders, having more people who are aware of the legal aspects, having more
> people who are aware of copyright, who are aware of workings in the
> Government and the Police. Such people may currently exist in each city
> through personal networks currently, but it might help for a growing
> community like Wikipedia's to have them in multiple places.
> I am not sure if this makes sense, but in short, what I mean is that we
> must now, as a community work towards infrastructure building that will
> support the community.
> warm regards,
> Pradeep Mohandas
> --
> Pradeep Mohandas
> How Pradeep uses email - http://goo.gl/6v1I9

Srikanth Ramakrishnan.
Wikipedia Coimbatore Meetup on December 10th.

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