Why is there a section called "operation". The information already exists in the History section and no new details are available?

Warm regards,

Ashwin Baindur

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 17:47, Srikanth Ramakrishnan <parakara.ghoda@gmail.com> wrote:
Alternatively, if someone can go to the dam with a camera capable of recording audio and video, talk with an official of the EB/ID of whoever [TN or KL] pointing out to the details and try and make an Oral Citation of the matter, we'd all be happy.

There are 2 issues here.

1. Oral citation is still in research phase.
2. Even if it were to be used, I remember it advocated the use of it only on non-controversial subjects. 

Achal / Shiju correct me if am wrong.


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