I request all the current committee members to at least create a user page in MetaWiki (http://meta.wikimedia.org). If you could mention your home wiki and your contributions to WikiMedia foundation wiki projects (both inside and outside wiki) there, that will enlighten many of us.


On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Praveen Prakash <me.praveen@gmail.com> wrote:

I am very happy and proud to hear that we got a wikimedia indic chapter.

But I wonder why all these activities taken so hidden? We are a community (or a community of communities), we've an active mailing list, but I didn't hear anything about such an active effort (may be i missed). Is there any separate communication medium? Or is this a special chapter for wikimedia English projects?

I recently learned someone as wikimedia indic chapter director from linkedin (http://in.linkedin.com/in/kiruba). He is also being CEO, Founder, Co-Founder, Director of many other initiatives (Actually I don't have any problem about that).  I am thinking about that election process and members. I am sorry but frankly I don't know any of other guys also. If possible introduce them, and their home wiki. I wish, an informed community about any further steps.

If someone can clarify my thoughts originated from poor knowledge, I'll be more happy.


Hari Prasad Nadig wrote:
Dear all,

As Srikanth has already noticed in an earlier e-mail, the draft
Memoranda of Association for the proposed Wikimedia India Chapter has
been put up on Meta here:

Even as the team working on the current draft has spent the better
part of a year working on it, I am sure that there would be scope for
improvement. Please provide your invaluable comments and suggestions
on the relevant talk page:

However, given the time we have spent on the document, it is important
that we proceed quickly and hence, I suggest that the comments be made
on or before this Saturday, the 13th of March 2010. Let us maintain
the Wiki-etiquette expected out of us during the discussion.

People curious about the earlier and the current efforts at forming
the India chapter may find my blog post on it,
http://hpnadig.net/blog/2010/03/08/wikimedia-india/563 a complimenting
read. More on Wikimedia India chapter can be seen on

Let us look forward to a great response in discussing and debating the
MoA of the proposed Wikimedia India chapter.
Hari Prasad Nadig
http://hpnadig.net | http://twitter.com/hpnadig

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