Dear all,

Here is a message from our list moderator Srikanth:

" I have put myself on moderation to avoid spamming while replying just because lot of people want to copy india list on discussion. I may not mail the list till the Wiki conference ends or please expect delays in mails i need to send. I apologise for my actions"

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <> wrote:

Apologies to India list members on failing to act on spammers for sometime. I have put members who violated the warnings [1][2] . People who have been put on moderation are in bcc of this mail and list is available here for anyone to search and find[3]. These members will be removed from moderation post conference on requesting that they will abide by notices by list admins on spamming etc. On a serious note, let me work on some list guidelines on put them soon, I know this again was pending on me and I thought all of us are mature doing without one, but then its better to have one.



WikiConference-India mailing list