Hi Yohann,

Wikimedia India is not an informal organisation. We are a registered society in Karnataka, India. We need to comply with all the formal processes and regulatory bindings that entails. We need to make sure all our documents including membership forms are properly processed and compliant with all the regulatory requirements we have. This is not red tape, this is being compliant with the law. Failing to do this will lead to audit failures which inturn will have repercussions in our smooth functioning. We cannot alter membership applications on our own - even it is one single box. When we processed Niraj's application we promptly replied to Niraj saying we cannot process it, clearly indicated what was missing in it and asked him to resubmit a completed form.


On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 9:42 AM, Yohann Thomas <yohannvt@gmail.com> wrote:
On the status of niraj's application, i dont agree with bala
Just because he ticked one wrong box does not mean
that his application should be rejected.
This is equivalent to red tapism & might discourage other
ethusiatic people to join the chapter.
I am not saying the decision is wrong but could be avoided.


Yohann Thomas
Wikipedia Club Pune

On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 12:48 AM, Bala Jeyaraman <sodabottle@gmail.com> wrote:

1) Your application had the option "renewal" checked and the member id space left blank. That is the reason you received such a mail. And that mail also clearly stated that you could send in another application. From your current mail I understand you have made a mistake while filling the form. In such cases WM IN cannot correct forms filled by members. Please send a fresh application form.

2) We don't publish membership information in a public forum. Members are free to self identify themselves, but we refrain from doing so unless they wish us to. Yohann sent a mail to this list and Srikanth pointed him to the correct avenue to address his query. This is not us being callow. This is us being professional.

3) There are established channels of communication (members@wikimedia.in) to where you can direct your membership related queries. That is where WM IN EC members or the Executive Manager can reply to you in an official capacity. We would have been more than happy to clarify your queries. Please direct any future queries there.

Bala Jeyaraman
Executive Council Member, Wikimedia India
On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Anirudh Bhati <anirudhsbh@gmail.com> wrote:

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Niraj Suryawanshi <niraj.suryawanshi@gmail.com> wrote:
We would be glad if anyone can help us over this and not by someone who is
callow enough to say "The India mailing list isn't exactly a place to ask
such questions as it'd be a privacy violation".

Niraj, no personal attacks, please.


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