Hello everyone,

Hope you are all well and safe. I am reaching out on behalf of the Communications Department at The Wikimedia Foundation to share some information about a new project we’re working on to explore creating a sound logo for Wikimedia, aimed at increasing recognition of Wikimedia content when it is used outside of our platforms on various audio devices, such as smartphones and smart speakers. You can read more about what a sound logo is on our Diff post. 

Why does Wikimedia need a sound logo?

This work is important because people around the world are increasingly accessing Wikimedia content, such as information from Wikipedia or Wikidata, on third party platforms, particularly through voice search. People who learn information from Wikimedia in this way should know and value where it comes from, and a sound logo will help them recognize Wikimedia content. Making a sound logo is also exciting because it involves thinking about our content in an audio setting, and finding new ways to create in this format. 

How can you get involved?

The project is still in its earliest stages as we on the project team think through what a sound logo should actually be (from an auditory, legal, and technical point of view) and how communities can collaborate toward making it in an open and inclusive way.  

For now, we invite you to take a look at our project page on Meta-Wiki which will give you a detailed overview of the project and concept. The page has a sign up list for community members who are interested in getting more involved.

Additionally, we would love your support in raising awareness on the project among your channels. Please feel free to copy or edit the text below:

“The Wikimedia Foundation is exploring whether and how to make a sound logo, which would increase recognition of Wikimedia content when it is used outside of our platforms on audio devices, such as smartphones and smart speakers. Learn more on the project page, and ask questions on their talk page or over email to soundlogo@wikimedia.org.” 

Once we have more to share, we will invite your feedback on draft ideas about a possible sound logo contest and submission criteria. In the meantime, if you have any questions or suggestions please post them on the talk page or over email to soundlogo@wikimedia.org

Thank you warmly for your time and interest.

On behalf of the sound logo team,

Kelsi Stine-Rowe

Full team: Mathoto Matsetela, Tas Elias, Lena Traer, Mehrdad Pourzaki, and me


Kelsi Stine-Rowe (she/her)

Senior Project Manager

Wikimedia Foundation 

"Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment."