
On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Béria Lima wrote:

There are another way (who works fine in Brazilian program): Treat then as adults they are and the articles as projects. If I cheat in a project in any college in Brazil my professor would give me a zero. In some brazilians college I may be expelled for do that (without count the fact that is also a crime in Brazil). We (and they) need to realize how serious copyright violations are.

But to make sure,  i'm not saying you people to threat your students, but to make them realize how serious that is.  

Hi Beria

Agree with you - and my intention and actions are precisely to do what you said: to convey to students that this is a serious matter and they need to treat it with the seriousness that it deserves.  (In terms of the specific academic approaches to be taken, that is a call that faculty and directors of the colleges will take; not us.)