Thank you Gerard and Bernard. 

I completely agree with your thoughts.  These would be some of the points I will consider when someone asks me "Why Wikipedia in Indian languages".  I even have some examples where parents who send their kids to English medium schools, clarify their child's questions in their native language but not in English.  This would show how it is easier to express in native language than in other languages, especially when we are talking with children.

On Feb 10, 2008 10:27 PM, Bernard Massot <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 10, 2008 at 12:05:18PM +0530, Pradeep Makineni wrote:
> What would you tell, if are going to answer these questions or
> concerns?  Note that most (or all) of wikipedians who contribute to
> Indian language wikipedias are fluent in English also.  And I believe,
> most of the folks who read (if any) these wikipedias are also fluent
> in English.
People always feel more comfortable with their native language.

Also, as you wrote, "most of" them also speak English, not all of them.
There are Indians who good access Internet but don't speak English. For
instance a part of NRIs living in non-English speaking countries.

AFAIK it's currently impossible to use computers with knowing only
Indian languages so that would make knowing English a prerequisite to
accessing Wikipedia. However we could imagine people having access to a
printed version of Wikipedia.

But that's right, educated rich Indians thinking English is a "better"
language than their own native language is a big obstacle to Indian
Bernard Massot

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Pradeep Makineni