Dear Ravi,

The works are no doubt out of copyright, but the particular collection, edited and paginated by GoK is what have been re-released in CC. They have so far provided softcopies of 4 books.  I am trying to get the remaining books as well. 

Thanks and regards,

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Ravishankar Ayyakkannu <> wrote:
Hi Pavanaja,

Please excuse my ignorance regarding Kannada Literature.

Are we talking about the works of

and works like

These seem centuries old and should be already available in public domain with no copyright claims. Why woud we need them re-released under Creative Commons?

If Dept of Kannada & Culture, Govt of Karnataka provides access to readily available digitized sources, it is an important gesture and I appreciate the effort behind this. But, not sure on the copyright part.

Could you please clarify?


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