Hi all,

Only today I realised that Ravi is leaving WMIN as staff permanently. I had a feeling that after the crisis is over, he will resume his post, but looks like I was wrong.

Ravi did a wonderful job for Wikimedia movement in India. User:Ravidreams had a dream to bring together all Indian communities to and project as a pan-Indian community and I was really hoping that it will happen in coming few years. He brought together like minded fellow Wikimedians from different parts of India in a simple Facebook chatgroup to execute different pan-Indian projects and I can say, it was highly effective. Important projects like WLF, OCR4Wikisource etc were completed this way and WCI 2016 is underway. He also tried to help any community members who sought for it even if there was financial constraints. He has a bad habit of saying yes to all demands all the time and that was good for us, at least me.

I hope, we dont have to miss volunteer Ravidreams in Wikimedia movement.

Best of luck,

On Feb 7, 2016 12:39 PM, "Ravishankar Ayyakkannu" <ravidreams@wikimedia.in> wrote:

Effective 01 February 2016, I have changed the nature of my engagement with Wikimedia India (WMIN) from staff to volunteer.

I joined WMIN when the overall scene in the Indian Wikimedia movement was tumultuous. It wasn’t easy getting things back on track. In the last 16 months, I hope I have succeeded in restoring the trust of all stakeholders including WMF, CIS-A2K, and the community. It was an honour to represent the movement in India, and I thank all who have helped me shoulder this responsibility. I know that I have played my part in empowering at least one Wikimedian to contribute more actively and nurturing at least one Wikimedia community. And that gives me immense satisfaction as I sign off as WMIN’s Program Director.

At the moment, WMIN cannot hire or retain any staff until it gets FCRA permanent registration and succeeds in securing next grant. I hope to continue serving WMIN as a volunteer to the best of my abilities while it undergoes this transition.  I will also be contributing to various Wikimedia projects and events as usual in my capacity as a volunteer.

I wish WMIN all the best and look forward to it playing a bigger role in the movement as it matures.


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