Hoi Shiju,

On 5 November 2011 14:45, Shiju Alex <shijualexonline@gmail.com> wrote:
Here is the link to the Wiki academy brochure. http://wiki.wikimedia.in/File:WikiAcademy.svg

The text of this document need to be translated to various languages. 


Create a page in chapter wiki and place there only the text (in English) that needs to be translated . Then request community support for translating that text to various languages. Once this is done create one of us need to produce the brochure in various languages.

Do we need fundraising style ?
I have sent odt to volunteers who has promised to {{ help }} .
Another way of doing the translation is using the SVG translate. Since the source file is in SVG, SVG translate is the best way. http://toolserver.org/~jarry/svgtranslate/

Use that tool and translate the svg file, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/WikiAcademy.svg to various languages.

Once translation done let one of us do the typesetting and release the brochure in various languages.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Debanjan Bandyopadhyay <debastein@gmail.com> wrote:

Send me, I'll try to translate into Shudh Bengali. Need some time due to exams which will get over tomorrow. But will be travelling from Monday to Tuesday. So can't help before Wednesday.


- Lets make this world a better and more informative place

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Naveen Francis <naveenpf@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Can anyone help me to translate the Wiki Academy Brochure to Indic languages ?

Naveen Francis

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