On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:29 PM, Vivek Murarka wrote:

Hello Hisham, Everyone,

Could the Times Group be requested to also carry the Times Crest article on an open site. Respecting copyrights and then given the title/headline of the article, I would not like to copy-paste the text from the said previous post. Yet, I'd like to share it with a few academics in one or two schools and colleges who, I think, would be interested, but may not have read the article. [Posting the text on this list though is "Fair Use", imho.]
Meanwhile, though probably off-topic on this list, may I share with you in the celebration of the lives of two memorable Mumbaikars, recently passed; with this : http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/erratica/entry/conqueror-of-maladies .

Not sure about asking the Times Group.  If you notice the small print when you logged in, it said Crest is free for now - but they'll charge later.

Thanks for sharing the blog link.